
Here is a selection of my publications:

Bedford, T. (2024) Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is not fit for purpose: Why academia will not save the planet. In: Critical Pedagogy Empowering Education and Societal Engagement. Nova Science Publishers. Available at:!AgKcKb4gOJAoi_8CN8cr-XZLLanFlw?e=jJ31ih

Kopnina, H., Bedford, T. (2024). From Pseudo to Real Sustainability: Ecopedagogy in Business and Management Education. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Available at:

Kopnina, H. & Bedford, T. (2024) From Pseudo to Genuine Sustainability Education: Ecopedagogy and Degrowth in Business Studies Courses. Australian Journal of Environmental Education (2024), 1–14. Available at:

Bedford, T. (2023). Revitalizing an Island Community: Education for Sustainable Living in Nakanoshima, Oki Islands, Japan. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 17(1), 5-18. Available at:

Bedford, T. (2022), Education for sustainability in Japan, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp. 87-113. Available at:

Bedford T. (2022). Constructing a Transformative Sustainability Pedagogy: Teacher Empowerment for a Sustainable Future. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability,24(1) 5-18. Available at:

Bedford T. (2021) Educating for Well-Being, contribution to GTI Forum The Pedagogy of Transition. Great Transition Initiative Available at:

Cooper R & Bedford T. (2017) Transformative Education for Gross National Happiness: A Teacher Action Research Project in Bhutan. In: The Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research. Palgrave Macmillan US. Available at:!AgKcKb4gOJAoi8UZ3wmRqVXwgRPs9A?e=xzkk5V

Bedford, T. (2012) Towards GLBTQ Equity in Schools: Teachers as Counter-Heteronormative Agents. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Bedford, T. (2009) Promoting Educational Equity through Teacher Empowerment. Web-assisted Transformative Action Research as a Counter-Heteronormative Praxis. Doctoral Dissertation. Oulu: University of Oulu. Available at: 

Bedford, T. (2009) QUARE Beginnings: Queer Action Research in Education as a Counter-Heteronormative Praxis. Naistutkimus-Kvinnoforskning 3/2009. Available at:

Bedford, T. (2005) GLBT Educational Equity (GLEE). In: Sears JT (ed) Youth, Education, and Sexualities. An International Encyclopedia. Wesport: Greenwood Press: 376-379.

Bedford, T. (2002) Queer Developments in Teacher Education: Addressing Sexual Diversity, Homophobia and Heterosexism. In: Kissen R.M. (ed) Getting Ready for Benjamin – Preparing Teachers for Sexual Diversity in the Classroom. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Lanham, Maryland

Bedford, T. (2000) Challenges of Sexual Diversity, Homophobia and Heterosexism for Teacher Education, In: Ethical challenges for teacher education and teaching : special focus on gender and multicultural issues. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS E Scientiae rerum socialium 45. Available at: